About us
Sterkfontein Farms is a family-owned business, which houses a collection of agricultural entities. Sterkfontein Poultry, the initial company, is run by Mrs. Klinkert and her middle son, Rohan Meintjes. The company opened it's doors in 1987, and has grown to now include it's very own breeder farms, hatchery, chicken houses and an advanced abattoir. Sterkfontein Poultry is a supplier of fresh chicken to multiple supermarkets, butcheries, restaurants and wholesalers.
The business has since then branched out to include other agriculture departments. Mrs. Klinkert and Rohan expanded the business by incorporating Sterkfontein Chicks, which is the hatchery that supplies day old broiler chicks to Sterkfontein Poultry and other poultry farmers.
In 2011, Rohan's son, Dylan who has always had a passion for scarce game animals, joined his father and grandmother to form Sterkfontein Game. Dylan later wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a cattle farmer. He saw an opportunity to farm with Boran cattle and immediately invested in the breed. Sterkfontein Borane and Ankole are the two latest additions to the Sterkfontein Farms group.
Take a look at our divisions to see what we have to offer.